
Evergreen 2010 stuff...

Well first of all here's the conference website:
  • http://www.evergreen2010.org/index.html
It looks like most of the slides are up here:
  • http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=eg10
My rough notes are here:

A great conference all round.

Instead of an OSS love-in which (EG2009 turned out to be) this year was an excellent opportunity for organizations big and small to share "what they want to do", "are in the middle of doing", or "have completed".

There were individual Libraries in attendance that migrated data and implemented Evergreen without any support from ESI or the community at large and their "go live" was a complete surprise. Awesome!

There were many single brick sites like UPEI and Mohawk college that are doing new things like creating Booking Modules, Serials modules and custom skinning.

The larger institutions/contributors like Laurentian (Dan Scott) and Michigan Sate(check) were visible once again doing the hard bits - Dan presented on the bibTemplate which facilitates the simple display of ANY MARC field in the record detail view (hiding empty fields) as well as showed a demo of how this might function to display Holdings in search results (brief results) screen. (ADD LINKS TO MOHAWK, LAURENTIAN bibTemplate STUFF)

Evergreen is also being picked up by some very large groups - The Kings County Library System in California boasts the following: "Circulation tops 19.3 million and maintains KCLS as second busiest Library System in U.S." and they have paid a very large sum of $ to develop Evergreen in a direction that interests them... That development is attempting to drive improvements in a direction that benefit the entire community and ESI is really making an attempt to keep things generic enough and integrated as "selectable/configurable modules" to satisfy the needs of as many Library groups as possible.

Click here to see all slides or visit my Google Doc with some "quick and dirty bullets" on the presentations I attended.

All presentations were recorded but it looks like not all sessions have been published yet.

Some other Blogger perusals of EVG10 can be found below - These folks can type AND think at the same time so their musings and synopsis from the presentations are quite good.

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